GP Salmen & Associates is a leading professional land surveyor in Ventura County. We take pride in our relationships with Ventura County architects. We view ourselves as a mutual professional on your client’s team.
We provide topographic surveys that are complete for the architectural needs, and easy to read for the client. “Complete” may mean showing building heights, extending the topographic survey limits beyond the property lines, or mapping the easements from your client’s title report.
We take pride in providing our architect clients with an autocad file that is easy to use due to:
- Organized and easy to follow layering,
- Using text for grades and descriptions rather than relying on autocad point blocks,
- Clean linework, closed and not stacked over other linework,
- Sufficient spot elevations in areas of fewer contours.
In addition to our architectural topographic maps being easy to use, we provide complete information without omissions or “busts” that show up during construction, causing at best, embarrassment, or at worst, unforeseen costs to the client.
I’d look forward to sharing my decades of mapping experience with you on your next architectural project.
We proudly continue to serve Ventura County and neighboring communities, from Calabasas to Camarillo, Ojai to Oxnard, in Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, and Malibu.